giga::GigaApi::GroupsApi Class Referencefinal

Public Member Functions

pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
getAllGroups () const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
createGroup (const utility::string_t &name) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
getGroupById (int64_t groupId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
updateGroupName (int64_t groupId, const utility::string_t &name) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< Empty > > 
deleteGroup (int64_t groupId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
shareNodeWithGroup (int64_t groupId, const utility::string_t &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
unshareNodeFromGroup (int64_t groupId, const utility::string_t &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
addUserToGroup (int64_t groupId, uint64_t userId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Group > > 
removeUserFromGroup (int64_t groupId, uint64_t userId) const


class GigaApi

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/thomas/code/GiGaSdk/src/giga/api/GigaApi.h
  • /home/thomas/code/GiGaSdk/src/giga/api/GroupsApi.cpp