giga::GigaApi::NodesApi Class Referencefinal

Public Member Functions

pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::NodeList > > 
searchNode (const utility::string_t &search, const utility::string_t &mine, const std::string &inFolder, uint64_t ownerId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< std::vector< data::Node > > > 
searchNodeByType (const utility::string_t &search, const utility::string_t &type, uint16_t max=50, uint32_t offset=0) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::DataNode > > 
addNode (const utility::string_t &name, const utility::string_t &type, const std::string &parentId, const std::string &fkey, const std::string &fid) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::DataNode > > 
addFolderNode (const utility::string_t &name, const std::string &parentId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::IdContainer > > 
copyNode (const std::string &fromNodeId, const std::string &toNodeId, bool isCut, const utility::string_t &mergePolicy, const std::string &myNodeKey, const std::string &otherNodeKey) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::CopyLog > > 
getCopyLog (const std::string &fromNodeId, const std::string &toNodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Node > > 
getNodeById (const std::string &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Node > > 
renameNode (const std::string &nodeId, const utility::string_t &name) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::IdContainer > > 
deleteNode (const std::string &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< std::vector< data::Node > > > 
getChildrenNode (const std::string &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Node > > 
getChildrenNodeByName (const std::string &nodeId, const utility::string_t &name) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Preview > > 
getPreviewsData (const std::string &nodeId) const
pplx::task< std::shared_ptr
< data::Timeline > > 
getTimeline (const utility::string_t &head, uint64_t from, uint64_t owner) const


class GigaApi

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/thomas/code/GiGaSdk/src/giga/api/GigaApi.h
  • /home/thomas/code/GiGaSdk/src/giga/api/NodesApi.cpp